Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Modul 8

Mengajukan pertanyaan
Pertanyaan  Yes/ no dan jawaban singkat

Do you know Shinta?                           Yes   I  do
                                         No,   I  do not ( don’t )

Does  Ziko is sick ?                                      Yes,   he does
                                         No,   he does not ( doesn’t)

Did  it rain last night?                  Yes  it  did
                                         No,  it  did not ( didn’t )

Are you studying English?                Yes I am
                                         No, I am not

Is  she come here?                      Yes,  she is
                                         No,   she is not (isn’t)

Was  Ann in class?                                      Yes, she was
                                         No,  she was not (wasn’t)

Will Bob be here soon?                     Yes, he will
                                         No,  he will not (won’t)

Can you swim ?                          Yes, I can
                                         No,  I can not (can’t)

Task !
1.  Do you know how to play guitar?   _____________or_______________
2.  Are we going to have a test tomorrow? __________or ______________
3.  Can turtles swim? _____________ or ______________
4.  Does Rio smoke cigarattes?  ______________ or _____________
5.  Did you watch TV last night? _______________or ______________
6.  Do you have car?___________________or __________________
7.  Will class begin at 07.00 am ?_____________or__________________
8.  Do elephant eat meat?___________________or_____________________
9.  Is grammar English is easy?________________or____________________
10.     Was mathematic is easy? _______________or___________________

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